Global Academy for Energetic Education

REGISTRATION - Associate in Polarity Principles (APP) Certificate Course

"Add to Cart" and follow the prompts to access the Registration Link.

You DO NOT have to open a PayPal account to use this system. Once you click on the "PayPal" link, you will be given the opportunity to enter your credit/debit card information for payment.

This $75 is the Registration Fee. 

Once you submit this Registration information, an Admin will look at everything and get back with you within 24-48 hours.

This class does have Tuition, Manual, and other Costs as well.

Enroll in our Associate in Polarity Principles (APP) Certificate Course, and receive your Certificate in 8 months

This course is scheduled for one weekend a month for 8 months.

Class Dates for 2023/2024:  July 8-9, August 12-13, September 9-10, October 14-15, November 11-12, January 13-14, February 10-11, March 9-10

Class Dates for 2024/2025:  September 7-8, October 5-6, November 2-3, December 7-8, January 11-12, February 8-9, March 8-9, April 12-13

Class Dates for 2025/2026:  October 11-12, November 8-9, January 10-11, February 7-8, March 7-8, April 11-12, May 16-17, June 13-14

Learn Polarity Therapy protocols, theories & principles, energy balancing techniques, the Ayurvedic Five Elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth), and much more!